Camera-Ready Paper Preparation

Authors of accepted papers have to submit their camera-ready paper as a IEEE Xplore compliant PDF. The specific operation time and process shall be subject to the notice of conference committee. Author can read the following instruction carefully in advance.
被会议收录的文章作者需提交符合IEEE Xplore PDF格式的最终论文。具体操作时间和流程以会务组通知为准,作者可提前浏览熟悉以下流程。

Step 1: Before Creating Your PDF File-转换前

Step 2: Create your PDF eXpress Account-创建PDF eXpress帐户

  • a) Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site at:

    通过此链接登录IEEE PDF eXpress.

    *IEEE PDF eXpress Site Openning Dates: TBA; Closing Date: TBA
    *IEEE PDF eXpress网站开放日期:TBA,关闭日期:TBA

    First-time users should do the following:新用户请按以下步骤登录

    1. Click "Create account"-选择新用户创建

    2. Enter the following:-输入以下信息

    ·The Conference ID-会议编号:TBA

    ·your email address-用户邮箱地址

    ·a password-设置密码

    3. Continue to enter information as prompted. An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup. - 按提示继续输入信息。系统将显示联机确认,并发送电子邮件确认以验证您的帐户设置。

    Previous users of PDF eXpress or IEEE PDF eXpress Plus need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid. - 以前使用PDF eXpress或IEEE PDF eXpress Plus的用户需要遵循上述步骤,但应输入与以前会议相同的密码。确认你的联系信息是有效的。
  • b) Upload your file, convert it, and check the status of conversion. Once the conversion is complete, a report will be generated for the file conversion. Check whether conversion was successful, or some changes are needed. - 上传文件,转换并检查转换状态。转换完成后,将生成文件转换报告。检查转换是否成功,或者是否需要进行一些更改。
Contacting PDF eXpress Support-帮助中心

Access the Publications Support Center for IEEE PDF eXpress. If you do not find an answer in the Find Answers tab, go to the “Ask A Question” tab. - 如有任何疑问,可进入IEEE PDF eXpress帮助中心。如未找到答案,可在线提交您的问题。

Step 3: Paper Upload-文章上传

After careful verification of your PDF, upload the final paper to conference e-mail:

Step 4: Copyright Form (one form per paper, not per author)-版权签署(一篇文章一份)

In order to be published in the conference proceedings, all accepted papers MUST be accompanied by a signed IEEE Copyright Form.Author need to log in to the CMT Submission System, click on the ‘Submit IEEE Copyright Form’ link from the Author Console and continue to enter information as prompted. After filling out the IEEE copyright form on eCF site, authors need to download the form, upload it into CMT and send it to conference e-mail:
所有会议收录将出版的文章都必须签署IEEE版权协议。作者需登录CMT 投稿系统,在作者控制首页中点击“Submit IEEE Copyright Form”链接并按指示继续。完成版权签署后,作者需下载版权PDF文件,并将其上传投稿系统,同时发送到会议邮箱:。

CMT Submiss System(投稿系统):